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City of Manchester


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As an Iowa native, we all know how unpredictable winter weather can be.  Last winter, Eastern Iowa saw approximately 37 inches of snowfall (most came after April 1st) and an average temperature of 23 degrees. The forecast for this winter looks to be about the same. One thing we know for certain, though:  it IS going to be cold, and it IS going to snow.

Winter Preparations

Every year, City of Manchester crews start preparing plows and equipment in early fall. Preparations include vehicle maintenance, making sure each vehicle is properly equipped, purchasing materials, and making sure city streets and surfaces are ready for the winter season. Clearing overhead obstructions, repairing uneven road surfaces, and improving areas of limited visibility take year-round preparation.

This dedicated five-man crew operates and maintains multiple pieces of equipment to clear snow and ice. Personnel is also pulled from other City departments to assist in snow removal. On occasion, you may even catch a glimpse of the City Manager behind the wheel of a truck or running a snowblower.

City crews do their best to keep streets open in a timely manner for your safe winter travel. But remember, this doesn’t always mean bare, dry pavement. The public is encouraged to exercise extreme caution in order to make travel as safe as possible.

Helpful Tips to Remember

  • Parking is prohibited on snow routes whenever snow removal operations are in progress. 
  • Parking in alleys is prohibited at all times.
  • Parking downtown is prohibited from 2:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m.
  • There are 24-hour parking limits on all municipal parking lots and all streets.
  • Residents can aid in the snow removal process by parking vehicles off city streets until the streets are plowed.
  • Pushing, blowing, shoveling, or dumping snow into any street or alley is strictly prohibited


Emergency Snow Route Map

Alternate Side Parking 

When snow is forecasted, it’s best to plan and have your vehicle off the street before the snow begins to accumulate. Maneuvering snow plows between parked cars is dangerous and cumbersome. On occasion, the City must declare Alternate Side Parking. The declaration restricts vehicular parking on streets between the overnight hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 

  • Vehicles should park on the odd-address side of the street on odd calendar days
  • Vehicles should park on the even-address side of the street on even calendar days

If you are uncertain if Alternate Side Parking is in effect, tune in to television news channels KGAN, KWWL, KCRG, and KMCH 94.7FM, or check the City’s website. Residents may also contact the City Office or Police Department or sign up for the City's Alert System. And remember – once Alternate Side Parking has been declared, it is strictly enforced. 

Sign Up For The City Of Manchester's Alert System

To avoid having cars buried by snowplows or ticketed and towed, drivers can sign up to be alerted when it’s time to move vehicles. Receive trusted alerts from the City of Manchester by signing up for their alert system.


Hazards of Winter

One way you can help your friends and neighbors from the unforgiving hazards of winter is by following the ordinances set in place:

  • Remove snow and treat ice with suitable products within 10 daylight hours after the snow has stopped.
  • Shovel out snow from around hydrants and mailboxes.
  • Don’t shovel, plow, or blow snow onto City streets.

Mailbox Damage

City crews work as hard as possible to avoid damage to personal property during snow-fighting efforts, but visibility is sometimes limited during snow events. In the event you have experienced damage to your sod or mailbox, please contact the City Office or complete the following online form by clicking the following link. 


Unfortunately, there is no practical way for the snow plow operator to cut off the windrow of snow when crossing a driveway. To avoid having your driveway continually filled with snow from plows, try widening the plowed area of the driveway to help catch the windrows, or wait until the plow has been through. Keep in mind that plows often have to make multiple passes. Plows must also go at a minimum speed in order to throw snow off of the road. Unfortunately, this may result in snow being thrown onto your sidewalk. While operators do their best to keep this from happening, it does sometimes occur. When this happens, it remains the responsibility of the property owner to keep the sidewalk clean.


Winter Safety Graphics

Below you can find graphics on winter weather safety, freezing rain, driving tips, etc., courtesy of the National Weather Service. 



Just a reminder to Manchester residents:  If your recycling/garbage day falls on a holiday, your items will be picked up the day immediately following the holiday. Garbage and Recycling pickup throughout the holiday season in December will NOT change. 

Helpful Reminders

Please Recycle as much as possible. All boxes should be cleared of packing material and flattened.

  •  Wrapping paper, Styrofoam, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, etc., is considered garbage.
  •  All glass is considered garbage.
  •  Recycling & Garbage must be to the curb by 7:00am. The hauler will not return to pick up late set-outs.
  •  For specific questions regarding your recycling or garbage, please contact Kluesner Sanitation at 563.927.5977.



Bicycle Licenses

All bicycles within the City of Manchester are required to be licensed. Bicycle licenses cost $5.00 and shall be valid for the period of time that the bicycle is owned by the applicant.  Please provide the serial number, color, size, and brand name of the bike. Having your bicycle licensed makes it possible for the Police Department to return lost or stolen bikes to their owner!